Building a community of lifelong learners!
All students are not the same, and each student has different needs. This is why we offer a personalized and customized education plan to fit the needs and strengths of the student, to ensure their growth and success.
We offer free assessments to determine the level so we can evaluate the needs of each student. Furthermore, we always ensure honest and transparent communication with parents and the student regarding student growth and achievements.
We understand that being locked into a unnecessary long term commitment is never ideal and we are confident in our provided services, which is why we offer month to month payments.
We provide distinct curriculum for our small tutoring group classes and can offer fully customized learning experience for semi-private and private classes. We cover all subjects between Kindergarten and Grade 12, including Math, English, French, Science (Chemistry, Biology & Physics), IB and AP programs.
We want to help develop and foster an interest in STEM Education. Using LEGO Robotics and Scratch/Python Programming, students will participate in engaging lessons that aim to combine creativity with the development of skills such as problem-solving and teamwork in order to help students grow and be successful!
We know that there are students who are looking to challenge themselves and are constantly striving to improve. This is why we offer the opportunity to participate in Mathematics competitions such as the Waterloo Math Contest as well as Kangaroo Math. We also offer the chance to participate in computing and robotics competitions.
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1455 16th Avenue, Unit #9, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 4W5, Canada
Phone: (905) 707-7778
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